Finally home at Rensch after 4 days in Boston. 11:45pm now. Feeling kinda tired but is not sleeping cos I've so much in mind. Anyhow, I just chucked my clothes in the washer and is currently spending some couple time with my mac. I miss my com so much. YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Although there are loads of shopping and good food in Boston, it'll be best when accompanied by my com. Mm sucks when you keep trying to enlarge the screen from your phone everytime you need to search for something and it takes so much more time to type something in there.
I'm kinda a brave girl today, finally sent out something I wanted to say for so long. It doesn't matter if replies come in, at least you know what I feel. And I will type this here cause I know you read my blog. I KNOW. Life is short, so I will try; even if it takes pride/ego/courage/etc. AT LEAST I TRIED MY BEST.
Need to bathe now, before I start shivering when I hop out of showers. Oh one funny thing. When we touched down to Boston, it was soooo hot there but after the first day, it became so bloody cold. So when we are all attuned to the cold weather, Buffalo becomes so hot (it's 27 degree celcius outside right now). SO RIDICULOUS. Jesus, I can never understand weather outside SGP.
Aight! Hope everyone is doing great x
Will blog about my Boston trip soon, stay tuned!
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