Time to stop and think. Time to watch and see. Each day, I die a little more inside. Those laughters and pretense ain't gonna cover the misery much longer. Alcohol ain't helping at all - I thought I'll forget those sorrows; 4 hours later they are back to haunt (no more alcohol from now). Whenever I feel like a helpless bird, I wish for A to be there with me. But right now, things are so different, so complicated.
-hating this fking hangover
hi! yes i do follow this space (: please take care youu. i know this is lagged, but you know that i'm always here even in the wee hours in the morning whenever you're feeling down k (: don't use alcohol to drown ur sorrows! do other things like talk to me hehe or other things you love to distract urself! Missing you! <3
ReplyDelete- Jolene (: