

I guess this is not the first time you've heard me say that I'm tired of shits. I know in this fast paced society, everyone needs space, everyone long for breaks. Stress and problems are definitely inevitable. But maybe this time I'm not as motivated to move through this... I feel like giving up. So many things happened this week. And it hit me that anything bad can happen to anyone. There's not warning. Life is not gonna knock on your door and ask you to be careful. No matter how nice you're, how careful you're, there will be troubles you need to face. You know ever since then, my drive for success is no longer present. I see life as a short and fucked up bitch. And you will lose life if you don't play to be bitchier than life. You know, sometimes you see those fucked up kids living happier life than you do, etc? Okay maybe thats how the devilish and emokid me thinks. But on the other hand is the one that ask me to bring Jesus back in my life. Like how we get strength when we call upon him. I've been there before and I truly want it back. But with the piling homework and exams what can I do? Sometimes I really wonder if exams and homework are satan's work. They are nothing but trouble. Seriously I really wonder how I can survive another year in uni if I were to have this mindset. It's already 6 now. Need to get ready to go for dinner (san's bday celebration) at Tianfu. Okay at least I get to see those 'old people' whom I miss and love a lot (:

(ps. littleJ you need to get well soon ♥)

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